Summers in Corpus Christi, TX, are sizzling hot. You’ll depend on your air conditioning system for relief from the heat and humidity. Now is a great time to upgrade to a new air conditioner with advanced comfort and energy-saving features.

Lower Your Monthly Electricity Bills

One of the top reasons to invest in a new air conditioner is their energy efficiency. Air conditioners made in 2010 usually had a seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) rating of 10. Today’s newest models have SEER ratings of 14 or higher. These new cooling systems are 30% to 50% more energy efficient.

Improve Your Comfort

New air conditioners offer a range of high-tech features. One is the variable-speed compressor. It offers a longer cycle time, so more cool air is distributed throughout your home. Longer cooling cycles also remove more humidity. More of your home’s air will be filtered during a long cooling cycle, so you’ll breathe easier. Some new air conditioners offer indoor air quality add-ons, such as high-efficiency filters, UV lamps and air purifiers.

Avoid Costly Repairs

The last thing you’ll want to deal with during an intense summer heat wave is a broken air conditioner. Old air conditioners are prone to part failures. If you fix the capacitor this month, the motor might go the next. These repairs will add up, and you’re likely better off investing in a new unit. Buying a new air conditioner this spring also means that you won’t have to worry about waiting days or even weeks for a repair. You’ll have many years of trouble-free comfort with your new air conditioner.

New air conditioning systems offer energy- and time-saving features. They’re compatible with smart thermostats, which offer convenience and optimize your comfort. The lower energy use of new air conditioning systems means that you’ll save money every month this summer. To learn more about why you should invest in a new air conditioning system, contact us at Bodine-Scott Air Conditioning Co. today.

Image provided by iStock

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