Zoning systems can be great—your system divides your house into different zones, each of which has its own thermostat. By controlling the environment in each zone separately, you can lower your heating bills and keep rooms at a comfortable temperature. 

Some rooms, for example, are naturally kept warmer than others because they get more sun. Making this naturally warm room a separate zone will allow your heating system to spend less energy trying to keep it warm. If, as in an ordinary system, you had just one thermostat for the house and it was in a colder room, the heating would remain on and the room catching sun would get uncomfortably warm. 

Zoning systems can have issues arise that homeowners should be aware of. The most common problems include:

  • Thermostats that go wrong – Thermostats can go wrong, resulting in zones being heated and cooled at the wrong time of day or to the wrong temperature. Because you’re using more thermostats in a zoned system, you’re more likely to see this than in a normal system.
  • Thermostats that miscommunicate – When working correctly, each thermostat can communicate with every other thermostat so you can set the temperature in any zone from any zone. Problems in the wiring between thermostats can cause this to stop working properly.
  • Damaged dampers – Dampers control the airflow in systems with ducts. If they become damaged, the airflow can be misdirected and zones will no longer heat to the temperature specified by the thermostat.

The solution to these problems is to keep your system well maintained with regular maintenance checks. If necessary, consult a certified professional to work on your system. 

If you have any questions about zoning systems or any other HVAC issues, contact Bodine-Scott Air Conditioning Co.

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