Having a home energy evaluation done is a terrific way to get a handle on where you’re wasting your energy dollars and what you can do to optimize your savings. With a precise evaluation in hand, you’re well prepared to draw up a list of improvements.
If you have a home with a number of energy issues, you might not be able to undertake all the improvements at the same time. Prioritizing the improvements and doing them in the order that works best for you is the way to go.
A possible first step is undertaking the relatively easy and inexpensive projects that have a decent payoff. Making sure the water heater is set at 120 degrees, for example, can lower your energy bills. Consider installing a programmable thermostat. It will automatically raise and lower your home temperature, based on your family’s activities. If you want a thermostat with more bells and whistles, consider a smart programmable thermostat, which you can program and monitor remotely.
Another key improvement is sealing the leaks in your home. This step is also fairly inexpensive, and most of it you can do yourself. Caulk windows and door frames, and seal spots where two materials meet or cables and lines enter your home. When you’re ready to tackle your ductwork, call your trusted HVAC contractor to tighten any connections and seal gaps and holes.
Your energy evaluator may have suggested replacing your drafty windows with Energy Star units. This is an improvement that might take time, as it’s a major improvement, but it’s also one that will pay off in energy savings for many years. Likewise, swapping out your old, inefficient furnace or air conditioner could be an expensive undertaking, but you’ll soon be seeing a return on your investment.
Once you’ve drawn up your list of improvements, you’re well on your way to energy savings. Need help with any of those improvements? Contact the experts at Bodine-Scott Air Conditioning Co. in Corpus Christi. We’re happy to help you with any of your projects, either large or small.