Air conditioning is essential for your Rockport, Texas, home, but a big, clunky outdoor unit could be an eyesore in your backyard. Air conditioners need sufficient space around them to absorb air and vent heat. Your HVAC technician also needs to have easy access to the unit. Here are some creative ways to hide your HVAC unit without affecting access or function.

Paint Your Outdoor Unit

Paint your outdoor unit the same color as your home, or paint a camouflage pattern to blend in with bushes or other plants. Before you start, make sure your HVAC unit is disconnected from the power supply, and then sand the entire surface to help the paint adhere. Next, remove the unit’s cover so you can mask the internal parts with painter’s plastic. Be sure to cover any hoses and other electrical parts, too. Then you can paint it with metal primer and let it dry for 24 hours. Use a tarp to keep paint off your grass. When it’s dry, go ahead and use rust-inhibiting metal paint for the color you want. Only do this if you feel confident you can get the job done without damaging the unit. It is also a good idea to consult your HVAC technician.

Build a Cover or Trellis

A simple trellis is an inexpensive option for hiding your HVAC unit. The extra shade will prevent overheating and help it work efficiently. You can also use it to grow ivy, flowering vines, or vegetables like green beans. Just keep plants and debris such as dead leaves from touching your air conditioner.

Use Plants

Plant bushes, flowers, or small trees around your air conditioning unit. You can also put flowerpots around your unit on tiered plant stands or gardening shelves. Just make sure the roots don’t grow underneath your unit and cause it to become unbalanced. Moreover, trim your plants so they don’t grow too close to your air conditioner.

Bodine-Scott Air Conditioning Co. has over 50 years of experience in installing, repairing, and maintaining HVAC systems. Call us today at (361) 883-9900 for more information about efficient air conditioning.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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