If you’re a homeowner in Corpus Christi, Texas, wondering whether a heat pump or a furnace is better, don’t worry. Since Texas winters are relatively mild, residents don’t require the same heating power as our northern neighbors. We can get along just fine with a heat pump.
What’s the Difference?
Furnaces use fuel to generate their own heat source. They’re designed to heat homes in harsh winter climates, which is why they’re the go-to option in large parts of the country.
In south Texas, however, temperatures rarely dip below freezing, so installing a furnace in your home would be overkill. Why waste all that money on fuel when you don’t even need it?
Heat pumps, on the other hand, work best in areas with mild winters. As such, they’re more commonly found in coastal regions and the southern states.
A heat pump is essentially an air conditioner that works in reverse, because it transfers heat from a cool area. The pump removes heat from the air outside the home and transfers it inside as a means of heating.
Heat Pump Drawbacks
Unfortunately, a heat pump only works when the outside temperature is above freezing. It simply can’t heat a home in harsh winter weather. The good news, though, is that Texans don’t have to worry about this drawback. Heat pumps are designed for our region.
Heat pumps can suffer from Dirty Sock Syndrome when they’re neglected, which is a foul odor the system gives off when it’s turned on. The average lifespan for a heat pump or air conditioner is also about 10 to 15 years.
This is slightly less than a furnace, which can last anywhere from 20 to 30 years. But regular maintenance can ensure your HVAC system provides years of comfortable temperatures no matter the season.
Are you ready to install or upgrade your heat pump? Contact Bodine-Scott at (361) 883-9900. We’ll help you determine which system is right for your family.
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