When talking about physical comfort in your home, we usually refer to three interrelated factors that affect home comfort — temperature, air quality and humidity. In some cases, though, they fail to work together, resulting in an uncomfortable home. They can be controlled or influenced by the thermostat and the HVAC equipment to which the thermostat is connected.
Temperature Control
Here, of course, we’re talking about the thermostat, but within that category are choices ranging from a basic manual thermostat all the way up to programmable thermostats packed with high-tech features, including in some cases, humidity control. With most thermostats, however, the device doesn’t directly control indoor humidity and air quality, but that doesn’t mean that the thermostat doesn’t affect these things.
Humidity and Comfort
If you have a well-maintained A/C or heat pump that’s operating correctly, it will remove moisture from the air while cooling your home. In our neck of the woods, along the Coastal Bend, this is an essential function. Otherwise, the high humidity would make true comfort difficult to achieve, even with the cooling system operating. Sometimes, however, even a well-functioning A/C will struggle to remove moisture from the air on really humid days. This is when to consider a whole-house dehumidifier to supplement the air conditioner.
Air Quality and Comfort
As mentioned, air quality can be indirectly influenced by having a well-maintained HVAC system. Effective air filtration and the occupants’ efforts also go a long way in helping to maintain cleaner indoor air. In addition, proper ventilation is very effective in source control.
For more information about improving the efficiency of your air conditioning system, check out Bodine-Scott Air Conditioning Co’s HVAC solutions, or all us at (361) 883-9900. Proudly serving Corpus Christi and the surrounding areas.
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