Bodine-Scott HVAC installationThere are a lot of popular myths surrounding energy efficiency, including the cost of energy efficiency, proper methods for energy conservation, and the energy consumption habits of your HVAC system. If you’re falling for any of the following myths, you may be in for some serious savings once you learn the truth!

Common Energy Myths Affecting the HVAC System

  • Myth: Leaving the HVAC system on consumes less energy than turning it off.
    A popular myth encourages homeowners to leave appliances and computers running when not in use with the belief that it uses less energy than shutting down and restarting. Yes, there’s a small power surge when these appliances turn back on, but it’s a small surge that equals very little run-time power. When you leave these things on, all you’re actually doing is wasting energy.
  • Myth: Cranking the thermostat gives faster results.
    In blistering heat or bitter cold, you want fast relief. To many homeowners, this translates to turning the thermostat higher or lower than usual in an effort to bring the temperature to a comfortable level more quickly. The system is either on or off, and it doesn’t vary speed or temperature according to the thermostat setpoint. Cranking the thermostat ensures that the HVAC system runs longer, but it won’t change the speed of results.
  • Myth: Energy efficiency means high upfront costs.
    There’s a mindset that better products always cost more. In today’s world, better products are more efficient ones. While many units do cost more than their lower-efficiency counterparts, it’s not a hard-and-fast rule. These efficient systems are often better built and have warranties. Because efficiency is a “cost of entry” in many industries, even the initial price tag itself may be surprisingly low.
  • Myth: Energy efficient HVAC systems always save money.
    Energy efficient systems consume less energy to run, but only if they’re sized and installed properly. Have your HVAC system professionally inspected to ensure it’s working as intended and is truly realizing its full efficiency potential.

Learn more about Bodine-Scott Air Conditioning Co.’s HVAC system options, or contact us today for top-notch heating and cooling services.

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