The area around Corpus Christi, Texas is definitely not the wettest spot in the country. That honor goes to the Hawaiian island of Kauai with an annual average of 460 inches! However, with a local annual rainfall average of approximately 32 inches, you may be wondering:

How Does Rain Affect the A/C unit Outside Your Home?

Rainfall, even if it’s unusually heavy, will not adversely affect your air conditioner. The portion of your A/C that is located outside of your home is specifically constructed to withstand all types and severities of weather.

There are two separate parts of an A/C unit. One is the evaporative coil unit which is located inside the furnace in your home. The other is the compressor unit, located outside, which is designed to not be adversely affected by rain. It’s actually a good idea to use your A/C while it is raining to help reduce the humidity inside your home.

Should You Cover Your A/C Unit During Cooler Months?

Typically, cooler temperatures coincide with rainier weather and a reduced need for your A/C. During these “down times,” be cautious if you cover your outdoor compressor unit.

  • Always use a cover that is specifically recommended by the unit’s manufacturer, or your local HVAC expert.
  • Do not use a waterproof tarpaulin or oilcloth.
  • Allow air to circulate around the unit. If any moisture accumulates on or in the unit, the air will allow the moisture to dry and will prevent rust from forming in the compressor.

There is no need to be concerned about rainfall affecting your A/C’s outside unit. Not even snow will be a problem – remember Christmas Eve of 2004, when 5.2 inches of that cold white stuff fell on Corpus Christi?

However, as the coolest and rainiest season for the Corpus Christi area approaches, it is essential to have your A/C and furnace systems checked for any potential problems. The experts at Bodine-Scott Air Conditioning are dedicated to keeping you, your family and your home comfortable all year long. Call us today!

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