You’ve decided it’s time to upgrade your air conditioner. You’re conducting research before making this significant purchase. Awash in a sea of statistics like BTU and kWh, you’ve come across the important but slightly more complicated SEER rating. We’ll discuss what a SEER rating is and explain why it matters when purchasing a new AC system in Three Rivers, TX.

All About Efficiency

SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. But what does that actually mean? It’s a mathematical equation that factors in the power consumed by your air conditioning system divided into the total amount of heat removed from the conditioned space over the course of a season. A system with a higher SEER rating is more energy-efficient. Current systems range from 13 to 24.

Lower Energy Costs

It’s possible to calculate an estimated cost for running your air conditioning system based on the SEER rating. Multiply the capacity of your system by the hours per day and days per season. Then, divide that by the SEER rating to calculate the total kWh for the season. If you multiply that number by your cost per kWh from your local utility, you have an estimated cost for running your AC system for the season.

Location Matters

Finally, the US Department of Energy established minimum SEER ratings for different regions of the country based upon average temperature. In Three Rivers, TX, the minimum SEER rating is 14. You can experience significant energy savings with even a slight increase in SEER rating when combined with other factors such as insulation.

Call Bodine-Scott Air Conditioning Co. for a home energy audit to assess your current efficiency. We can design a custom plan to get you where you want. Ask about our new AC system special. If you buy a system rated at 16 SEER or higher, we include a Biocide duct system disinfectant spray, a UV light and a Smart One Maintenance agreement.

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