If your home’s heating system is struggling to keep you warm and comfortable, it may be time to replace it. Installing a heater in George West, TX, is a long-term investment that you shouldn’t take for granted. When shopping for your new home heating system, consider the following factors to help you choose the ideal one:

Power Levels

Heating systems provide a specified amount of warmth, depending on the needs of your home. If the heater is too small, it runs throughout the day without keeping your home comfortable. Similarly, if it’s too large for the home, the system turns on and warms the house too quickly and then turns off again because the cool air reduces the temperature.

This short cycling means that the heating system will use far more energy to turn on and off than it should. As a result, it increases energy costs. Short cycling can also increase the wear and tear of the heating system. Ensure the one you purchase is the ideal size so that it’s neither too small or large.

The Climate in Your Location

Before deciding on the heating system for your home, consider the winters where you reside. A furnace will be ideal if the climate in your location typically produces sub-zero temperatures because furnaces generate heat through standard combustion processes. Heat pumps will be suitable if the environment in your area has mild winters.

Ductwork Layout

The ductwork layout is essential to consider when investing in a home heating system because it determines its power. If your home is large with long, winding duct branches, you probably need a more powerful unit than other homes. You may have to install ductwork if your home doesn’t have one or choose a heating system that doesn’t require ducts.

The age of your ductwork can also determine the heating system you choose for your home. Ensure that the ductwork you have in your home is compatible with the heating system you intend to buy by checking its condition and age. It’s best to hire a professional HVAC service technician to inspect and analyze the condition of your home’s ductwork before buying a heating system.

The System’s Efficiency

Whether it’s a heat pump that uses electricity to operate or a furnace that uses propane, fuel oil or natural gas, you need an energy-efficient heating system that doesn’t cause you to spend a lot of money on energy bills. Therefore, you should opt for a heating system with a higher energy rating.

When purchasing a heat pump, look out for the HSPF to measure the system’s efficiency. When buying furnaces, look for the AFUE, which indicates the fuel percentage that the furnace can convert into helpful heat to keep your home comfortable.

Overall Costs

Aside from the initial cost of purchasing a heating system, it’s essential to consider other expenses like operational and maintenance costs. Ensure that the heating system you’re buying will be cost-effective to operate in the long run. You can consult a professional heating contractor to help you determine the maintenance, repair and other operational costs of different heating systems so that you can choose a favorable one.

Energy Source

As you purchase a heating system for your home, it’s necessary to know the available fuel options in your area, if the fuel source is affordable and the fuel type your home can accommodate. If you’re considering a furnace or heat pump for your home-heating needs, learn about the fuel source options available and whether they’re ideal for your home in terms of convenience, affordability and availability. Talk to an HVAC contractor who can do the math for you. They can advise on the most beneficial energy source for your home.

Heating systems have a significant impact on your home’s comfort and overall energy costs. Take into account the above considerations before deciding on the best option for your home. Call Bodine-Scott Air Conditioning Co. for affordable heater installation and repair services and more information on heating systems.

Image provided by iStock

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