If someone in your Three Rivers, Texas, home suffers from asthma, it’s vital to reduce triggers. And that starts with taking a close look at your HVAC system. Nearly 440,000 people are hospitalized each year due to asthma-related issues. The annual economic burden that asthma-related visits put on the economy is a mind-boggling $56 billion. Here’s a look at three ways an HVAC system can improve asthma symptoms:

Your HVAC System’s Filter Cleans the Air

Having a filter with a MERV rating of at least 11 is an excellent way to remove airborne pathogens and reduce asthma triggers. More importantly, this type of filter has the ability to clean air in the entire home rather than a localized area. It helps you improve indoor air quality.

But You Need to Change the Filter Regularly

In addition to switching to a filter with a MERV rating of at least 11, remember to replace it every month. Even the best of filters become a haven for contamination. So the more often you change yours, the better.

You’ll also want to steer clear of permanent filters that you wash every so often. Washable filters often get put back into the system while they’re damp. As a result, they worsen asthma symptoms and shorten the lifespan of your HVAC system.

Your HVAC System Helps Balance Humidity

Many of today’s modern HVAC systems are capable of regulating humidity in the home. As long as the system has an evaporator coil, it’ll work to eliminate condensation and moisture in the air. As a result, it’ll reduce asthma triggers. You should have the evaporator coil inspected annually to ensure it’s operating with the utmost effectiveness.

Do you want to learn more about the various ways an HVAC system can improve asthma symptoms? Contact Bodine-Scott today at (361) 883-9900 for additional information from an HVAC expert.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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